Peaches Concert Cause Volcanic Eruption


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Peaches Concert Cause Volcanic Eruption

March, 20th. 2010. Reykjavik, Iceland. The sheer power of a Peaches concert in Reykjavik, Iceland is believed to have caused a 200 year dormant volcano to erupt.

The volcano, named Eyjafjallajökull, began its awakening just after midnight on March 20, 2010; minutes after Peaches took to the stage at NASA, a local Reykjavik club.

Excited locals informed us that they have been waiting six years for a Peaches concert, and close to 200 years for Eyjafjallajökull–which last erupted in 1821.

Reykjavik Fashion Festival organizer,  Nicolas Knowles described the concert given by Peaches was as ‘legendary’.

Peaches and crew attempted to leave Iceland by plane shortly after the concert, but all attempts were thwarted as Icelandic airspace was closed due to the volcanic eruption.

When asked if she was bothered by the cancellation of her flight back home, Peaches replied, “What can I say? Peaches and eruptions have always gone hand in hand.”


April 5, 2010



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AEllison Glenn